Environment, Man and Nature

This blog was meant as an assignment to explore my journey of thoughts through my environmental concepts 2000 course at the University of Manitoba. I will now continue to write on this blog, so I can follow my journey through my studies.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

selection #42

"Those who cannot learn from history are doomen to repeat it." (Taken from Classic Edition Sources Environmental Science Third Edition by Thomas Easton).
For as long as homo-sapiens have existed there has been collapses of societies; complete vanish of human life in an area, such as Central America, or on an island, such as Easter Island. The societies have vanished due to the underminen of resources, which leads to unintended ecological suicide- called ecocide. Damage done to the environment falls into 8 categories including deforestation, destruction of habitats, soil and water problems, growing resource demands for a growing population and alien invasive species. The risk of ecological suicide is still a factor except we are facing new risks including climate change and energy shortages, this means future generations will have no choice but to deal witht these problems.
We can learn from collapses in past societies but we cannot believe that studyin the past will bring simple solutions and we must realize that technology cannot solve every problem. There are many small reminders around us making us think about the harm done to the environment but we must remain optimistic about the future of our globalized planet. We must rememeber about the factors that will reside from ecocide, such as: continued ignorance, climate change affecting growing seasons, hostile neighbours, and a decrease in the help of friendly neighbours.
The environmental impacts are possibly looked at in two view-points; pro-environmentalist and non-environmentalist witht the business factor in mind. Nowadays, big businesses that are causing the most pollution are effectively taking interest in the environment. We must encourage the study relating biotic and abiotic aspects of the environment and all work together to solve this world crisis.

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