Yes, if we take time to connect with nature our decisions will be influenced for the positive.
This past weekend I went to cut a tree down on the river with my father. I took his quad out and he took my uncles quad, both with trailers in the back. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed doing this not only spending time with my dad but being outside during winter, sliping and sliding on the ice, when eventually finding the perfect tree that will provide us with one or two months of heat for the following winter. My dad thought me at a very young age which trees to cut and which ones to leave and let grow. Due to erosion the tree we chose would have fallen in the river by next summer so we cut this beautiful oak tree that had taken 25 plus years to grow providing us with beauty, while purifying our air from carbon through respiration , providing habitats for many squirrels, birds, owls, and many micro-organisms. I learned at a very young age to appreciate nature and connect with it in a way that makes you feel like a minute being on this planet. My serene place as a child and even more as I grow into an adult is most definetly laying back on a massive oak tree and hearing nothing but chants of birds. I had lost that for a couple years when I moved away, in fact I went to the complete opposite place in the world that was filled with cars, police sirens, four walls, no grass, no trees, barely any birds, I had went to Edmonton to work and make something of myself while figuring out what direction my life should be going. Coming from a quiet, natural location and heading to work in the Alberta Oil Industry was a huge change. It led me more towards wanting to devote my life to natural resource conservation. I don't think I would of ever thought of doing that if I would not of had a connection with nature in the first place, growing up. I appreciate more the heat that the tree provides me, with the simple oldest way of keeping us warm, that is fire. Now some people living in the city might get to appreciate nature when going off camping, or hiking but I grew up with it, it is embeded in me and the next thing that I want to embed is how to do the best I can to teach this to future generations and of course current ones as well. A connection with nature can teach us values that will most definetly influence our decisions about what we chose to eat, buy, trow out, or make us think twice about leaving the tap running.
I have always thought about how people sitting in an office in Ottawa could make decisions about where our waste is deposited, or what is most important, our economy or our environment without having a connection with what nature is and what it is doing for so many of us. The management approach to conservation that we need to take, cannot be understood from books, pictures, attending sessions, taking statistics or from sitting in a vehicule watching the outdoors. The values we need to encode in our management approach can be learned simply from taking time to appreciate the natural beauty of OUR planet earth and building a knowledge that the only way to go is to preserve and conserve life and to have a more biocentric outlook on life. If we do this we will find simple, non-technical solutions to solving this world crisis. By changing our morals and values, we will make more conscience decisions in our daily lives.
This past weekend I went to cut a tree down on the river with my father. I took his quad out and he took my uncles quad, both with trailers in the back. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed doing this not only spending time with my dad but being outside during winter, sliping and sliding on the ice, when eventually finding the perfect tree that will provide us with one or two months of heat for the following winter. My dad thought me at a very young age which trees to cut and which ones to leave and let grow. Due to erosion the tree we chose would have fallen in the river by next summer so we cut this beautiful oak tree that had taken 25 plus years to grow providing us with beauty, while purifying our air from carbon through respiration , providing habitats for many squirrels, birds, owls, and many micro-organisms. I learned at a very young age to appreciate nature and connect with it in a way that makes you feel like a minute being on this planet. My serene place as a child and even more as I grow into an adult is most definetly laying back on a massive oak tree and hearing nothing but chants of birds. I had lost that for a couple years when I moved away, in fact I went to the complete opposite place in the world that was filled with cars, police sirens, four walls, no grass, no trees, barely any birds, I had went to Edmonton to work and make something of myself while figuring out what direction my life should be going. Coming from a quiet, natural location and heading to work in the Alberta Oil Industry was a huge change. It led me more towards wanting to devote my life to natural resource conservation. I don't think I would of ever thought of doing that if I would not of had a connection with nature in the first place, growing up. I appreciate more the heat that the tree provides me, with the simple oldest way of keeping us warm, that is fire. Now some people living in the city might get to appreciate nature when going off camping, or hiking but I grew up with it, it is embeded in me and the next thing that I want to embed is how to do the best I can to teach this to future generations and of course current ones as well. A connection with nature can teach us values that will most definetly influence our decisions about what we chose to eat, buy, trow out, or make us think twice about leaving the tap running.
I have always thought about how people sitting in an office in Ottawa could make decisions about where our waste is deposited, or what is most important, our economy or our environment without having a connection with what nature is and what it is doing for so many of us. The management approach to conservation that we need to take, cannot be understood from books, pictures, attending sessions, taking statistics or from sitting in a vehicule watching the outdoors. The values we need to encode in our management approach can be learned simply from taking time to appreciate the natural beauty of OUR planet earth and building a knowledge that the only way to go is to preserve and conserve life and to have a more biocentric outlook on life. If we do this we will find simple, non-technical solutions to solving this world crisis. By changing our morals and values, we will make more conscience decisions in our daily lives.
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