http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9TyHzP-8b88b8, it reminded me how inspiring nature can be for myself and for so many more people of my kind out there. Andy Goldworthy first words in this video are: "I don't think the earth needs me but I know I need it." This could not be any more true especially after reading the selections for this blog listing all the services our ecosystem supplies for us. Nature provides us with so much positive things that we cannot put a price tag on it. Trully Andy's art brings me back to the state of mind that it is man and nature, not man vs. nature because man will always lose. His art makes me think of the connection we have with every being on earth. We have to remember that we are just another animal depending on th
is planet, the only thing we have more is the capability to destroy it. We are using our knowledge in ways that are useless. Andy's art shows the true beauty of nature and it's powerfull capabilities to destroy. His art is not digitally enhanced or altered, it is not produced or changed artificially, or conditioned and disguised, it is not sharp or flat or expected. GoldWorthy's art can be decribed the same way as if you were to describe the word Nature.
His art is capturing, it is very creative and amazingly different than the usual. That is to what you find in nature; diversity, changes and things you would not expect. His art brought me back to when I was a child, when I were to have a grim day or a great day, I would sometimes go in my backyard in the forest and sit back on an oak tree with a piece of paper and colored crayons. I would draw what I would see, and even though I would sit mostly by the same tree I always had something new to draw, everytime I would go there. This is what I did when I was alone, either that or I was building forts with branches I would find on the forest floor. Nothing was permanent, the forts I built are not lying there still today but I still found it in me to do that. Something like Goldworthy's art, it is not permanent but it is a time he gets to spend precious time alone, which is so important, it helps you reflect on yourself and 

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