I watched the film Food inc. this past weekend and I have alot to comment about it.
First, the picture of the farm that this movie gives is a pretty close to what I've seen on farms myself. Although this is in the United States mostly, Canada's farms are not too much better than they portray in the film. The industry doesn't want you to know the truth, this is one of the most powerful industry that is completely hidden from us. The family farm has become a factory, producing mass amounts of meat the fastest way possible. Not only do these farms harm the environment more than they should be, they are unethical when it comes to animal and workers health.
McDonald's is the single most largest corporations purchasing potatoes, apples, beef, pork, and chicken. They train their workers to do one thing all day, so they are easy to replace. The top 4 corporations when it comes to money control 84% of the food industry. Therefore McDonald'ds and the 3 others are encouraging alot of food, small amount of land, low cost. The problem with those are farmers feel controlled, animal rights, family farms are no diminishing, and the widespread use of antibiotics has lead to bacteria resistance. The antibiotics used on chickens to make them grow faster and fatter in the breasts, are linked to reproductive problems in humans, as seen also on Erin Brokovich, my favorite movie of all time.
The food that we feed are cattle has also changed alont with farming practices. Cows are evolved to eat grass nowadays they solely live on corn, genetically modified corn that is.
My friend's farm in Beausejour is alot different than what I've seen explain in this film. Ellen has 4 pastures that she alternates her cattle in. Her cattle gets to eat grass in summer in one pasture while the other 3 pastures regenerate. In this film, it said that feeding a cow grass for only 5 days will reduce E.coli in their bodies by 80%. Instead these farms named in this film use ammonia to cleanse the hamburger meat from E.coli.
The truth is the Government is kissing Corporations ass. Corporations making millions of dollars are more protected that humans.
This type of industry has caused obesity and health problems in many Americans. When a family only has 1$ to spent to feed 2 kids there's a problem with our system, and this is the case for many not only in North America but everywhere across the world. These poor diets slows metabolism, has caused diabetes now in children. This has led many to be disconnected and ignorant. How can so many not care or think about where their nutrients are coming from? Our bodies are sacred and we have to start taking care of them, it is only then that our healthcare costs will diminish.
Another truth is that it is not technology that is making good farms, technology is the one ruining it. Farming has been perfectioned from many generations of farm knowledge.
This industry has become so large and simplified that they now need to import illegal immigrants to work in meat packaging factories. Often these factories are built in remote locations therefore the locals have no other choice but to work there. When for example the Mexicans come in, to work for HUGE corporations and get caught it is them that get arrested and charged not the corporations. That is the justice system.
Second example in this film of a huge corporation would be Walmart. As soon as you graps for that rapid growth you view things differently.
We can make a difference by raising awareness to Corporations that we would like to see more organics in their stores.
Farmers life needs to go back to the way it were, their way of life has been revolutionized too much.
This film also talks about Monsanto- Monsanto is stopping farmers from keeping their own seeds, because they put a patent on the genes of these crops, the ones that were genetically modified to obtain the ideal genes. Monsanto hires private investigators to find local farmers who save seeds. When Monsanto contaminates farmers fields, the crop has to be distroyed. The farmers get caught and are held accountable- they have to prove they didnt violate any laws. Often this cost the farmers thousands of dollars when they already have million dollars debts because famring hasn't been as successful. It is easier to say that you're wrong than you're right. The way our justice system works is that the ones willing to pay more money wins.
When food is cloned for an ideal product- those DNA chromosomes are the age of that original cell. Example would be Doli the sheep clone.
Industries have more money than anyone, and money = Power.
There is a food crisis, not only contamination, but we are running out of food.
A perfect example that policies can be broken would be the tobacco industry. They had started labelling their products with warming, our food that we buy doesn't even have labels telling you where it came form or the harm it can be doing to your body. The slow harm just like cigarettes do.
This film explains that our food economy needs to think of these three things equally; workers, animals and the environment.
First, the picture of the farm that this movie gives is a pretty close to what I've seen on farms myself. Although this is in the United States mostly, Canada's farms are not too much better than they portray in the film. The industry doesn't want you to know the truth, this is one of the most powerful industry that is completely hidden from us. The family farm has become a factory, producing mass amounts of meat the fastest way possible. Not only do these farms harm the environment more than they should be, they are unethical when it comes to animal and workers health.
McDonald's is the single most largest corporations purchasing potatoes, apples, beef, pork, and chicken. They train their workers to do one thing all day, so they are easy to replace. The top 4 corporations when it comes to money control 84% of the food industry. Therefore McDonald'ds and the 3 others are encouraging alot of food, small amount of land, low cost. The problem with those are farmers feel controlled, animal rights, family farms are no diminishing, and the widespread use of antibiotics has lead to bacteria resistance. The antibiotics used on chickens to make them grow faster and fatter in the breasts, are linked to reproductive problems in humans, as seen also on Erin Brokovich, my favorite movie of all time.
The food that we feed are cattle has also changed alont with farming practices. Cows are evolved to eat grass nowadays they solely live on corn, genetically modified corn that is.
My friend's farm in Beausejour is alot different than what I've seen explain in this film. Ellen has 4 pastures that she alternates her cattle in. Her cattle gets to eat grass in summer in one pasture while the other 3 pastures regenerate. In this film, it said that feeding a cow grass for only 5 days will reduce E.coli in their bodies by 80%. Instead these farms named in this film use ammonia to cleanse the hamburger meat from E.coli.
The truth is the Government is kissing Corporations ass. Corporations making millions of dollars are more protected that humans.
This type of industry has caused obesity and health problems in many Americans. When a family only has 1$ to spent to feed 2 kids there's a problem with our system, and this is the case for many not only in North America but everywhere across the world. These poor diets slows metabolism, has caused diabetes now in children. This has led many to be disconnected and ignorant. How can so many not care or think about where their nutrients are coming from? Our bodies are sacred and we have to start taking care of them, it is only then that our healthcare costs will diminish.
Another truth is that it is not technology that is making good farms, technology is the one ruining it. Farming has been perfectioned from many generations of farm knowledge.
This industry has become so large and simplified that they now need to import illegal immigrants to work in meat packaging factories. Often these factories are built in remote locations therefore the locals have no other choice but to work there. When for example the Mexicans come in, to work for HUGE corporations and get caught it is them that get arrested and charged not the corporations. That is the justice system.
Second example in this film of a huge corporation would be Walmart. As soon as you graps for that rapid growth you view things differently.
We can make a difference by raising awareness to Corporations that we would like to see more organics in their stores.
Farmers life needs to go back to the way it were, their way of life has been revolutionized too much.
This film also talks about Monsanto- Monsanto is stopping farmers from keeping their own seeds, because they put a patent on the genes of these crops, the ones that were genetically modified to obtain the ideal genes. Monsanto hires private investigators to find local farmers who save seeds. When Monsanto contaminates farmers fields, the crop has to be distroyed. The farmers get caught and are held accountable- they have to prove they didnt violate any laws. Often this cost the farmers thousands of dollars when they already have million dollars debts because famring hasn't been as successful. It is easier to say that you're wrong than you're right. The way our justice system works is that the ones willing to pay more money wins.
When food is cloned for an ideal product- those DNA chromosomes are the age of that original cell. Example would be Doli the sheep clone.
Industries have more money than anyone, and money = Power.
There is a food crisis, not only contamination, but we are running out of food.
A perfect example that policies can be broken would be the tobacco industry. They had started labelling their products with warming, our food that we buy doesn't even have labels telling you where it came form or the harm it can be doing to your body. The slow harm just like cigarettes do.
This film explains that our food economy needs to think of these three things equally; workers, animals and the environment.
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