This website is a little far fetched, these issues of cows being treated so badly is not the case in most Canadian farms. American farms are larger in size therefore the cows are on average treated worst than Canadian beef.
Going through this website I found a link to site site called meatlessmonday.com
I had to add this on here because earlier in my blog I spoke of my mom incorporating meatlessmonday to her meal ideas. Its quite entertaining that I just happened to run across this site without thinking it would even exist. I sent the link to my mom as well as I added it here as following: http://www.meatlessmonday.com/
There are great meal ideas on this website, and alot of information and links to inform ourselves about what a healthy diet means. Over the last year I have become more aware of what I consume, food and products, I feel healthier and stronger, meantally and physically, than I've ever felt in my life. Due to my healthier diet I felt urged to quit smoking, I smoked for 2 years and Ive quit for 10 months now.
A healthy lifestyle brings balance to your life, changes can be made one step at a time.
A healthy environment brings life, our environment can not help itself, we have to make small changes for it's benefit.
We must bring balance to our lives, balance to our planet, and an overall balance of our health.
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